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Word count = 37,350 Big jump in the word count today as I delivered 3 chapters at Book Club today. More gasps and then me thinking that maybe there have been too many? A touch of jeopardy fatigue perhaps? I'll definitely be looking closely at that in the edit. Obviously, you need a bit of [...]

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Word count = 33,569 Ooooo! Two big chapters this week with a big 'mic drop' moment and a fight! I was a bit worried about writing the fight scene as I've never really written anything like that before. I read lots of advice on t'internet and tried to keep it short and punchy (sorry!). Opinion [...]

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Wordcount = 31,054 It was lovely to be back in book club again today. It was also wonderful to see the brilliant things going on for #NationalPoetryDay. Libraries are so much more than a collection of books. You can really tell when you are in a library with a wonderful enthusiastic librarian! We were playing [...]

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Word count 28,232 No snack this week as there was no book club (sob!) due to a school event. I got my chapters in a day early so members can read them before next week when it's back to business as usual. I've tried to get a bit ahead and I'm about one and a [...]

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Wordcount = 25,608       Snacks = animal biscuits I was very excited to deliver the two chapters this week. The two main characters actually touched which ticked the romance box for the book club members! They've been asking about that since week one! It's all very innocent. This is MG after all.  They [...]

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